Watermelon Seed Extract

The yohimbine extract is derived from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree; it is also known as Moreinga oleifera. It looks like a reddish brown and white poweder. In this extract, there is a  high concentration of Yohimbine HCL (98%), which is solubilized in water and used in different
types of beverages and pharmaceutical products. It is very good to take Yohimbine Extract in our daily lives in many aspects of our health.
Product Name: Moreinga Oleifera
Botanical name: Pausinystalia yohimbe
Family: Apocynaceae
Appearance: reddish Brown or white fine powder
Specification : Yohimbine HCL/ 98%
Active Ingredient: Yohimbine
Solubility: Water
Part: Bark


Yohimbine extract has health benefits.

Sexual health enhancement
Yohimbine extract helps maintain long-term erection by increasing blood flow and improving overall sexual performance.

Appetite Control
It helps people manage cravings, maintain a healthy weight, and live a healthy lifestyle.

Testosterone Boost
Yohimbine extract also boosts testosterone levels in the male body, helps in muscle growth, and increases energy in the body.

Fat Loss
This extract targets stubborn fat areas in the human body and helps with weight loss.

Mood Enhancement
Yohimbine Extract also has mood-lifting properties, helps in recovery from depression, and improves mental health.

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