Gymnemma 25% by HPLC

Gymnema contains natural compounds that may reduce the absorption of sugar in your stomach. Additionally, it might assist your body in producing more insulin and promoting the growth of pancreatic cells, where insulin is synthesized. Gymnema could also aid in managing sugar cravings and controlling elevated blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it may have potential benefits in combating inflammation, supporting weight loss, and reducing levels of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides. Overall, Gymnema offers numerous potential health advantages.
Product Name:  Gymnemma
Botanical name:   Gymnemma  Sylvestre
Appearance: Greenish powdered form
Specification: Gymnemic acids: 25%, 50%, and 75%
Active Ingredient: Gymnemic Acids
Packaging Type: HPLC


Health Benefits of Gymnemma Extract/Gurmar

Blood Glucose Control: Gymnema extract aids in managing blood sugar levels for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, promoting stable health. Heart & Circulatory Health: Its anti-diabetic properties extend to stimulating a healthier heart and circulatory system.
Sugar Craving Reduction: This herbal remedy can curb sugar cravings, aiding glucose control and weight management.
Gymnemic Acids Benefits: Gymnemic acids within the extract offer anti-diabetic,anti-sweetener, and anti-inflammatory effects for overall wellness.
Sweet Blocking Effects: Experience reduced sugar intake with its sweet-blocking effects, assisting in maintaining a balanced diet.
Diabetes & Obesity Support: Gymnema extract serves as a potent herbal remedy for tackling both diabetes and obesity, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

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